
Assassin PVP II - Archonus

#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 48 - 206#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 47 - 161#3 Most Downloaded - Week: 46 - 197#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 44 - 272#3 Most Downloaded - Week: 43 - 314#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 42 - 455#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 41 - 454#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 40 - 970#1 Most Downloaded - Week: 39 - 1543#2 Most Downloaded - Week: 38 - 1099#1 Top Rated - Week: 38 - 5.00
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Assassin PVP II - Archonus's Summary

Produced by: "Assassin Order"

Level 50-53 PVP, mostly 52.

I was off for two weeks because I had some credit card problems (do I hate banks that block my card due to an unannounced contract) and due to other problems, so I didn't had time for gaming too much.

This is footage taken in 24 hours (one evening, and one morning), just a week after I reactivated. Even though I had a bit of problems knowing the key binds again, it went out pretty good.

This was done in one day, I do not have time to dedicate days of my free time on making movies, I do have a life.

What you WILL NOT see:
- Me ganking low level players.
- My gear being stacked with damage gems to the teeth.
- Group PVP (Though there is some 1v2 combat)
- Active Blocking - If you're not a shield-wielding character or a spell caster, I consider it a waste of stamina. You could use the stamina with better use, like doing obliterating blows to your target.

What you WILL see:
- Cool PVP (in my opinion) taking place in the Eiglophian Mountains.
- Knock backs off mountains or hills.
- Fatalities.
- Evades, I reckon it's called tapping.
- More editing than usual. (I am still an amateur so it is something new for me)

Please give me feedback with what I've done wrong or good through constructive comments. This is my/our (Assassin Order) second PVP movie.


Soundtrack (in order of appearance):

For the Assassin Order promo: A Perfect Circle - Judith (First part)
The Prodigy: Breathe
A Perfect Circle: Judith (Second part)
For the ending: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness (A fragment of it)

The video from FileFront has a poor quality, so I suggest you download it from the premium links.
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