With the release of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures we are now working overtime to make AOCMovies.com an interesting place to visit for movie makers and Gamers alike. To show of our appreciation to early contributors of content we will start a weekly movie contest!
So login - give us your Gameplay from Hyboria, whether or you like Making PvE, PvP, Exploration or Storyline Movies; you can all Participate in 'Gore to Fame'!
1. Eligibility: The contest is open for all Guilds across the globe.
2. Participation:
2:1 All you need to do is Submit a Movie and then the community take care of the rest, you qualify for the contest if your movie shows up on "What's HOT this week?" 2:2 It has to be Age of Conan related and be your own work.
3. Winning: The Author with a movie that is on "What's HOT this week?" and have the highest current rating on a Friday will be the winner.
Every Friday we will crown a new winner who will get the following:
A: You will automatically join on the contest if you submit a movie, during the weekly period a contest runs your movie needs to show up on "What's HOT this week?" to be eligible.
Q: If my movie is uploaded on a Friday, will I not have a harder time competing against other movies who has been released earlier in the week?
A: We will not release movies 12h prior to the announcement of the weekly winners, giving new movies a chance to climb the lists and ratings.
Q: Do I need to use Promo material?
A: No, you do not need to use them to participate, but we will always promote Authors in our feature boxes that helps promoting us by using the Promotion material. More spotlight means more views that might make it easier to win.
Q: How do I receive the prize?
A: Once the winner have been selected we will contact the winner via email and PM.
Q: When do I receive the prize?
A: As soon as possible after the winner have been announced!