
Profile Viewer - themephs
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themephs M-
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Logins: 598
Downloads: 11
Ratings: 1
Comments: 7
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Fame: 44
Rank: 10
Rating Weight: 13
Movies: 4
Last Login: 2008-11-24
Member for: 6084 days
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Movies submitted by this member
Title Category Class Rating DLs
Assassin PVP - Mephs: "No Gimm...PvPAssassin4.63709
Recommended!Assassin: Best At Both WorldsPvPAssassin4.011448
Recommended!Mephs - "No Gimmicks: Part 1"PvPAssassin3.63870
Recommended!No Gimmicks III - Assassin PVPPvPAssassin4.56638
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Last 10 Comments and Ratings
I really can't bring myself to log in anymore. The game's just a downward spiral of imbalance, buggy play, and a whole lot of other things FC really should have gotten together at least by now. Each patch breaks something new and makes the game a chore to enjoy, especially with little to no content. The game was fun until I hit 70+, then it became just a matter of whoever can hit their 1 shot button first, even Assassins became a skill-less joke to play. I feel like all I do is FTD and one shot people and then run around till it's up again. If that's as deep as this game gets, I'm off to other avenues, see y'all in WAR, or WOTLK. Hopefully Aion is coming out soon too, really want to try that.
PVP in AOC does have a ways to go, and hopefully they tend to it before the game goes SWG on them. I personally still enjoy it but there's no denying the problems the game has.
Heh you might have to get used to it Qpon, if you saw my playlist it'd boggle your mind just from the bizarre and random variety.
Bear with me II @ 08-07-11 17:22
I can disagree on shielding not being useful in combat, it has saved my ass, but anyone who knows how to stun and position for a one shot you really can't do anything about anyway.
Steal from who? I filmed all of it o_O. The track was from Sifl & Olly, which had a pretty popular Naruto AMV made to it before I think I saw any other parodies made
Down Rodeo
Valenitsa assasin PvP @ 08-06-27 23:49
Rated: 1.0
Need to take on people your own size a bit more.
Gah, where else should I upload? I only know of filefront ^_^
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